Welcome to Roger's page

My pictures:  Cars/Bikes   Custom Cars/Hot Rods   Music   Skiing
Me:  A little about me.   If you know me.
My MP3 project pages:  New DOS MP3 player.   The full size & portable Jukeboxes.

The Roger Writes series

I research / dabble with lots of things, and figured that if I write my notes here, I can quickly reference them, also, sometimes, they are useful to others!
Here is what I have so far:

Older pages (pre-2017)

Information about Spammers, and why they are bad

Boycott Internet spam    Protected By Wpoison    So don't click here    My list of spammers    Californian Law, see 17538.45    UK ASA codes

Fareham Information

Fareham is a town in Central Southern England, situated on the M27 between Portsmouth and Southampton. If you came here by accident and you were actually looking for some information on Fareham then you can try some of the following :-

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