A simple hexapod walking robot

Designed to be easy to build with a minimum of tools, it's probably one of the cheapest walking robots you can make.

The parts

  1. Tie-wraps (aka zip-lock ties)
  2. An Arduino - I used a VISduino
  3. An Arduino sensor shield
  4. An IR remote control + the receiver board - I used the Keyes one
  5. 6x micro servos - I used the SG-90 ones, but have used MG-90S in similar designs
  6. 1x Extra servo + An ultra sonic module + cable - I used HC-SR04 (ultasonic option only)
  7. Some large paper clips (for legs).
  8. 2x credit card sized pieces of plastic
  9. Battery box + batteries - I used 4xAAA in the final design
  10. Foam tape

Installing the software

  1. Download the sketch (from robot6.zip)
  2. Install the Servo and IRremote libraries.
  3. Add the NewPing library (ultasonic option only)
  4. Get it to compile - See the comments in the code, you will probably need to edit the library code to get them to compile together
  5. Download it/Run it

Reset the servos

Building the robot

  1. Make the legs, straighten a large paperclip, then feed it through the servo horn. You might need to use a small drill to enlarge the holes.
  2. Add foam tape to the base card
  3. Stick the servos down one side of the base card (output shafts towards the back edge)
  4. Add the ultrasonic movement servo (ultasonic option only)
  5. Stick the servos down the other side of the base card (output shafts towards the back edge)
  6. Cut a slot in the top card, and use more foam tape to stick in on top (ultasonic option only)
  7. Add the arduino and the battery box
  8. Add the ultra sonic sensor (ultasonic option only)
  9. Add the IR receiver
  10. Plug in the connections



Remote comands

Demo video

Here is a short demo video showing it walking.

The Roger Writes series

I research / dabble with lots of things, and figured that if I write my notes here, I can quickly reference them, also, sometimes, they are useful to others!
Here is what I have so far:

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